

Edouard de Callata˙ [is] [[[a son-in-law of [the spouse]] of Gustave de Heyn Woeste].

Edouard de Callata˙ [is] [also] [[a son-in-law of Gustave de Heyn Woeste].

Edouard de Callata˙ [is] [also] [[[[a son] of [a 2nd cousin]] of [the spouse]] of Gustave de Heyn Woeste].

Antoine Vauthier 1769-1859 & x x

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Constance Vauthier 1804-1885 &
x x
  Auguste Vauthier 1803-1875 &
Eugénie Becquet 1813-1887
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Charles, Comte Woeste 1837-1922 &1866
Marie Greindl, Baronne 1841-1910
  Alfred Vauthier 1835-1916 &1859
Marie Coűteaux 1837-1921
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Elisabeth Woeste 1870-1960 &
Gustave de Heyn Woeste 1863-1941
  Suzanne Vauthier 1877-1935 &1897
Armand de Callata˙, Baron 1871-1955
    Edouard de Callata˙ 1901-1978

[total]: 4 [relationship links]


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